IYWT is your one-stop travel arrangement service for Rotary Youth Exchange students, families and volunteers!

Not part of a study abroad program yet? Click on the button below to find an opportunity!

Austin, Ohio to Taiwan


Spend part of your summer with a family abroad, and then host a teenager from that family in your home. Or, sign up for a special "camp" with teens from around the world!

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Lindsey, Ohio to Germany


Immersion is amazing! Spend an academic year in a study abroad adventure -- learning the language, attending school, and experiencing the culture of another country! 

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Rotary Youth Exchange is our complete focus at IYWT! For more than 45 years, Rotarians around the world have depended on IYWT to help their young ambassadors in both the short-term and long-term exchange programs. 

In the past 20 years, we've helped more than 15,000 students embark on their study-abroad adventures.